Wednesday, October 19, 2011

XXIV Certamen Jóvenes Investigadores

During the fist week of Octuber, a small town in Andalucía was very very busy to celebrating the XXIV Certamen de Jóvenes Investigadores. Mollina welcomed many young scientists and researchers from different parts of the country, from Asturias to Valencia, from Barcelona to Melilla. The age range went from 15 to 19 years old. 

I, MC, C, A & J.
These young scientists defended their different research projects before a jury so they could be evaluated. Some members were very strict and made many questions on differents subjects.

As an alumni of IES Severo Ochoa, I am very proud to comunicate that 4 different projects were presented in Mollina.

Radio interviews

My peers presented the following projects:
- 3D Video with binaural sound.
- Sleep: differences between the dreams of adult and children.
- Divorce: a right without boundries.

I presented a project about detecting aminoglutethimide with silvernanoparticles through Raman Spectroscopy. And lucky me, my parents and J came to see me :)

Ice cream :)
There was a great variety of projects. Once all the presentations were over, we visited Málaga. The beach is not very impresive. I think it is quite dodgy, actually. The Picasso Museum was nice, it was free with the european youth card :) However,  all the paintings were a little dark. I like it better when they are colorful.

Texting at Picasso Museum
And then it came, the last day, the closing ceremony. Before the prizes were given out, there were 2 talks about Chemistry and about how important is the "nano scale" nowadays. The other one was about scientific research. And then... it came!

Closing Ceremony
We were all very fortunate to participate and to experience a total scientific week. Amazing people, amazing ideas. However, the prizes we obtained couldn't have been better... Simply fantastic.

Best Scientists
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